Documents & Forms
This page enables the download of various documents and forms. For example the entry forms to various SRA events during the year will be provided here.

SRA Fixtures List
In addition to scheduling the SRA fixtures on the Calendar page, the traditional list which you can print out and stick to your fridge is included below.

Surrey Open Meeting
Entries details will be available soon.
The competition is usually held on the 3rd weekend in September, 17th-18th in 2022.
Issued Ammunition should be available as part of the all inclusive competition entry fee.

Rules of the Association
The download button below contains a link to the SRA Rules of the Association. You should read and be familiar with this document prior to applying for membership to the SRA.

SRA Membership application form
See the Benefits of Membership and Apply for Membership pages for further details. You should also read the FAQ page prior to applying for membership.
The SRA membership application form is available for download below.

SRA Probationary Members course
The SRA (in conjunction with the LMRA, NLRC and NRA) co-hosts a high quality probationary members course during most years. This involves theoretical & practical training over a 2 day period. Interested parties should review the NRA Training & Development page for details.
The SRA can assist new members to complete their period of probation once the initial training has been completed.

SRA Guest Day
SRA will sometimes host a Guest Day during the year (keep an eye on the calendar for the dates).
These days provide a useful introduction to the sport of shooting, and are an ideal way to try the sport in a safe and controlled environment.
Interested parties can download the flyer and the entry form below.

SRA Reloading Course
The SRA holds an ammunition reloading course for its members during the year.
This is a comprehensive course to provide the knowledge, practical skills and guidance material to be able to reload .308 ammunition.
Completion of this course is compulsory before members are permitted to use the SRA's reloading equipment & facilities. See the Calendar and Noticeboard pages for scheduling of this course.
To enroll use the details on the Contact Us page.

SRA SCATT Training System
The SRA has invested in electronic target training equipment (SCATT) for use by full members.
Full members are able to book this equipment for use at the SRA Clubhouse (during the stipulated hours of operation), for no charge.
A register is maintained to sign the equipment out/ in and all members using the quipment have a duty of care over it whilst in use.
Members need to agree to the Terms & Conditions of usage, and familiarise with the operating instructions, copies of which are included below. Refer to the FAQ page for more information

SRA Items For Sale (template)
In order to request advertisements to be placed on the For Sale page of the SRA website, please download and complete the template below. Note that this page is intended to allow members to buy & sell equipment and will not be used to place commercial / trade related advertising on behalf of members